Jun Matsui is a Japanese-Brazilian tattoo artist born in Recife-PE in 1972.
He started his work with tattooing in Tokyo in 1993.
He was the first tattooist in Japan to dedicate himself to work influenced by ethnic tribal graphics, whose most striking features are the use of black ink over large areas of the human body.
He is considered a master in the tattooing process without the use of paper or stencils, the designs are born directly on the skin in harmony with the lines, measurements and proportions of the anatomy of the human body.
It can be said that the aesthetic sense and final visual effect of Jun Matsui's tattoos are the result of his two biggest and most important influences, the Irezumi, or traditional Japanese tattoo, and the Maori tribal graphics of Aotearoa, now called New Zealand.
Jun Matsui spent the first 15 years of his life as a tattoo artist in Tokyo, studying and developing his own style of work while interacting with the most important tattoo artists in Japan such as Horiyoshi III, Horiwaka, Horitaku, Horicho and many others who influenced his look and sensitivity in the cultural, social, spiritual and decorative aspects of tattooing as a craft, art and tradition.
It is in this space between the ancient and the modern, East and West, where Jun Matsui lives and reaps what he has to offer as a tattoo artist and a human being, combining the mystical, the beautiful and the timeless.
His designs and lifestyle and work are recognized and admired worldwide and his influence can be seen in all generations of tattoo artists around the world with which his work has had contact.
The style, originality and versatility of Jun Matsui's work have allowed his graphics and creations to be used in many commercial partnerships over time.
Among some are Shiseido, Honda, Square Enix(Final Fantasy VII), Vogue Japan, Nike, OÜS
(Grendene), DITA Eyewear, Rolling Stone Magazine.
Between 1997 and 2006 Jun Matsui signed the original collections of his own clothing brand in Tokyo with his store located in Harajuku.
Tokyo's fashion center and one of the most vibrant street culture areas in the world.
Even today, Jun Matsui Studio continues to create and market limited editions of its original clothing and accessories.
The first book on Jun Matsui's work was published in Japan in 2005 under the title Hari.
In 2015 a documentary about the work and legacy of Jun Matsui, produced and directed by director André Ferezini was released and shown in Tokyo, London, NYC, San Francisco and São Paulo.
Nowadays, Jun Matsui lives and tattoos in the historic city of São Luís do Paraitinga in the interior of São Paulo, where he continues to dedicate most of his time to clients who want to wear their tattoos and to learning programs where he shares his experience and knowledge with the aim of collaborating in the training of tattoo artists of the new generations.
$678.00 BRL
Todos os anos faço um moletom em tributo ao animal regente do novo ciclo.
O desenho é sempre feito a mão e o resultado final é uma mistura do desenho artesanal com o design gráfico digital.
O Ano do Dragão carrega um significado especial pra mim por ser o ano do nascimento da minha filha, que neste ano comemora seu primeiro ciclo completo de 12 anos no zodíaco chinês.
Eu nunca me interessei em tentar vender desenhos para serem emoldurados e pendurados em uma parede, sempre achei isso sem graça.
Os "quadros" que vendo são os meus moletons.
São desenhos feitos com a mesma energia que uso para desenhar uma tatuagem no corpo de uma pessoa, nunca são tatuados, mas eu estou neles.
E gosto de ver eles livres, decorando a rua e o mundo!
Muito obrigado.
Every day is a good day.
$678.00 BRL
Todos os anos faço um moletom em tributo ao animal regente do novo ciclo. O desenho é sempre feito a mão e o resultado final...
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Fiz este desenho em 2017 em tributo ao Ano do Galo, mas assim que terminei, depois de 40 hrs de trabalho, percebi que poderia também...
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View full product details$580.00 BRL
HOODIE The Year of the Wild Boar "From end to end" Original graphic by Jun Matsui 100% Heavyweight Cotton Black&White
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